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IEEE Czechoslovakia Section Reliability Society


IEEE Reliability Society Chapter under the IEEE Czechoslovakia Section aims at the promotion and application of safety and reliability techniques and risk management in all branches of technology. Particularly, the Chapter focuses on the following goals:

  • propagation of IEEE Reliability Society ideas and goals;
  • consolidation of specialists in reliability engineering in the Czech Republic and Slovakia within the framework of IEEE Reliability Society;
  • promotion and encouragement of good practices in the application of safety and reliability techniques and risk management and support of creation of information network between the members and various industrial, academic and professional organizations and other interested persons and institutions;
  • dissemination of knowledge in reliability engineering among scientific and industrial communities;
  • promotion of relevant education and technical training and harmonization of their practices.

To achieve these goals, the Chapter supports the following activities:

  • organization of international events in reliability engineering in cooperation with IEEE Reliability Society and IEEE Czechoslovakia Section;
  • organization of national events focusing on reliability engineering in cooperation with IEEE Reliability Society and Czechoslovakia Section;
  • propagation of IEEE among students;
  • propagation of IEEE in industrial sector.

The goals of the Chapter aim at:

  • support of development of scientific research in Czech and Slovak universities in reliability and risk analysis;
  • attraction of the attention of industrial plants and companies in Czech Republic and Slovakia for problems of reliability and risk analysis;
  • propagation of significance of reliability and risk analyses in Czech and Slovak society;
  • expansion of IEEE Reliability Society by involving new members from Czech Republic and Slovakia;
  • introduction of new activities for IEEE Czechoslovakia Section.